GUE skills
GUE skills
There aren’t many GUE skills demonstrations on YouTube. Most of GUE’s online content comprises short tutorials. If you want to see dive skills in detail you will have to pay for them via the website. The skills that are on YouTube come from their fundamentals class and form the foundation of core skills that you would be taught. These are regulator purge, regulator switch, s-drill, mask clear, and mask remove and replace.
No matter which GUE instructor you learn from, you will be taught GUE skills in the same way. The logic behind this is that anywhere you dive in the world, if you dive with a GUE diver you know that your buddy has the same understanding of how emergency procedures, such as sharing gas will be done. This consistency adds a layer of safety to a potentially dangerous situation, and it makes a lot of sense to me.
The only negative that is a consistent thing for me, is that I really wish divers (especially instructors) would wear brightly coloured gloves, or at least have an awareness that dark-coloured gloves against a dark-coloured drysuit or wetsuit mean it can be very difficult for a diver to understand your hand signals. My dry gloves are bright orange.
If you find any GUE skills not listed here, I’d be grateful if you could let me know.
GUE skills
GUE Tutorials