Rebreather articles
Rebreather articles
It’s surprisingly difficult to find good rebreather articles. There are plenty of comparison articles on, for example, the JJ-CCR versus the Revo, but many are quite old. It’s also a shame that the rebreather manufacturers aren’t more proactive about promoting their products. The exception is AP Diving, which does have some information on its website. You can view videos about rebreather diving here, including tutorials, equipment set-ups and discussions.
If there are any articles that you’ve come across that I could put on here, I’d be grateful if you could let me know.
General rebreather articles
Extreme survival: a serious technical diving accident- Barbara Trytko and Simon Mitchell
The first deep rebreather dive using hydrogen: case report- Harris RJ, Challen CJ, Mitchell SJ.
Improving diver safety, Rebreather Forum 3 (pt 1)- Michael Menduno.
Rebreather diving- killing them softly, Rebreather Forum 3 (pt 2)- Michael Menduno.
Creating a safety culture, Rebreather Forum 3 (pt 3)- Michael Menduno.
Engineering the CCR blues away, Rebreather Forum 3 (pt 4)- Michael Menduno.
PCO2, the dark matter of rebreather diving, Rebreather Forum 3 (pt 5)- Michael Menduno.
Dive-by-wire?, Rebreather Forum 3 (pt 6)- Michael Menduno.
A Learner’s Guide To Closed-Circuit Rebreather Operations-Richard Pyle
A literature review of disinfectants- The rebreather
Why so many deaths.. What’s the real story behind 18 deaths on rebreathers in 2010?- Doppler’s tech diving blog
Should rebreather divers pre-breathe test their rebreathers prior to a dive?- Shearwater research
Diluent Dilemma and the Future of Rebreather Training- Marc Crane
Descriptive Epidemiology of 153 Diving Injuries With Rebreathers Among French Military Divers From 1979 to 2009- Gempe, Louge, Blatteau & Hugon.
Increasing the probability of surviving loss of consciousness underwater when using a rebreather- Haynes. Research paper about gag straps.
Increasing The Probability Of Surviving Loss Of Consciousness Underwater When Using A Rebreather- InDepthMag. Review of Hayne’s paper.
A Comparison of CE Test Data for two Closed Circuit Rebreathers- Joseph’s Diving Log.
A thought experiment concerning team bailout in a cave-Doppler’s tech diving blog
Motor skills learning and current bailout procedures in recreational rebreather diving- C. Verdier, D. Lee
Setting the limits for cave diving, how much bailout gas for a ccr cave diver carry, and where- Doppler’s tech diving blog
Bailout on a rebreather- X-Ray Mag
Is more complex safer in the case of bail-out rebreathers for extended range cave diving?- Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Derek B Covington, Charlotte Sadler, Anthony Bielawski, Gareth Lock, and Andrew Pitkin
The art of bailing out- X-Ray Mag. Pascale Bernabe
Oxygen Toxicity and Special Operations Forces Diving: Hidden and Dangerous-T. Wingelaar et al.
Control of oxygen in a divers rebreather- Shearwater research
Oxygen toxicity and CCR/rebreather diving- Dr David Sawatzky
Oxygen sensor life in rebreathers- Mark Derrick
Oxygen sensors and their use within rebreathers- Kevin Gurr
Electro-Galvanic Oxygen Sensor- Wikipedia
Carbon dioxide
Extreme survival: A serious technical diving accident- Barbara Trytko and Simon Mitchell
The CO2 scrubber in a diver’s rebreather- Shearwater research
Sorb storage: new research released- Rosemary E. Lunn
A look inside rebreather scrubber canisters, part 1- John Clark online
A look inside rebreather scrubber canisters, part 2- John Clark online
Basic carbon dioxide physiology- part 1- Simon Mitchell
Basic carbon dioxide physiology- part 2- Simon Mitchell
Basic carbon dioxide physiology- part 3- Simon Mitchell
Basic carbon dioxide physiology- part 4- Simon Mitchell
Basic carbon dioxide physiology- part 5- Simon Mitchell
Unit-specific user manuals and guides
JJ-CCR o-ring kit guide (posted by rsingler on Scubaboard)
JJ-CCR o-ring kit replacement guide (posted by GF99/99 on Scubaboard)
AP Diving manuals- For Inspiration rebreather
Divesoft rebreather manuals- For the Liberty rebreather
Hollis user manuals- Prism 2
Dive Rite manual- Optima
Header image photo credit: Tony Wong